Our commitment to learning, and how we’ve helped organisations like Aurizon build cultural awareness.

Working closely with other organisations on their culture and leadership strategies is what we love to do. But sometimes we can be so deep in delivering work for others, we can miss the moment to practice what we preach. 

However for National Reconciliation Week we knew as a team we wanted to respond to the week’s theme – ‘More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.’ – and take a journey as a team together to broaden our cultural awareness horizons through education… to then set the next action steps we’d like to take together.

SBS are great leaders in inclusion in Australia so for the coming months the team will be completing all inclusion training modules to get on the same page, not only for furthering our understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, but across other core inclusion subjects too. 

There are many ways for organisations to take positive action steps to support employees’ cultural awareness and understanding to support reconciliation. 

Aurizon’s approach was one that had a huge impact across their organisation and was grounded in cultural knowledge from their Indigenous Reference Group. It’s a course we’re very proud to have played a part in bringing to life and still reflect on today as an excellent learning experience for us too. 

Everyday Massive

The employee experiece company



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