The background.

Our collaborator is one of the world’s largest warehousing and logistics companies and they deliver products to customers across the globe every day, including essentials like food and medical supplies.

They have a team of more than 1.5 million people who work across global high-risk operations, 24/7.

The challenge.

The global pandemic had entered its second year and unprecedented customer demand had not receded. Uncertainty reigned and teams were tired.

Our collaborator needed to reinforce COVID-safety messaging in a way that didn’t feel repetitive or ‘rinse and repeat’.

On top of that the WHS team needed to promote safe work behaviours to proactively curb the types of incidents that present at this busy time of year.

Importantly, the safety campaign needed to be sensitive to operational efficiencies and busy production schedules, and it had to demonstrate care for both physical and mental wellbeing.

The messaging also needed to cut-across geographies and cultures to connect with a global audience.


Two concurrent campaigns — Summer of Safety and Winter of Wellness — became the vehicle for tying together a number of important safety messages. 

The 12-week campaigns rolled out across all global sites and we empowered leaders to be the campaign advocates by providing them with an overarching campaign toolkit as well as templates and tools that could be tailored to meet local needs.

The campaign was highly visual and brand-aligned, and designed in an illustrated ‘retro’ style to seize attention and break any habituation that may have crept in around these familiar safety topics.

Globally the campaign safety topics remained the same, but they were tailored to be region-appropriate. For example, where we promoted staying safe in the heat across North America and Europe, we reinforced safe work practices for cold temperatures in Australia and Brazil.

To build campaign recognition we created an omni-channel experience:

  • Promotional merchandise including water bottles and beanies.

  • Animated videos which were pushed to hand-held scanners and tablets.

  • TV noticeboard gifs and memes.

  • Posters and stickers around sites.

  • Table tents in the break rooms.

  • Team engagement and activity ideas for leaders to run at weekly meetings.

  • Internal and external social media. 

The impact. 

The seasonal campaigns had a big, global impact.

  • 1 million Summer of Safety / Winter of Wellness conversations were logged between employees and their leaders.

  • The ‘Moments of Mindfulness’ videos received 61.7k views and 376 comments.

  • Employees reported a positive trend in their ability to manage:

‐ overwhelm and stress

‐ temperature comfort at work

‐ wearing PPE properly

‐ mental health

In correlation with the Summer of Safety and Winter of Wellness campaign timeframes, our collaborator also reported:

⟶ 30% reduction in recordable incident rates.

⟶ 28% reduction in serious incident rates.

⟶ 18% reduction in injuries from lowering, lifting or carrying — which were some of the key campaign topics.
