EMbedding a new climate for safety sentiment
at the worlds largest company

The background.

With a goal to be the world’s safest workplace, this organization wanted to embed a new way of measuring and reporting on the safety experience of its workers. Everyday Massive was engaged to develop a communication and learning program to support a phased rollout of this new approach to safety sentiment.

The challenge.

This organization worked with a team of data scientists and researchers over 12 months to develop a series of surveys to more accurately measure the safety experience of workers at all levels.

With a desire to measure, communicate and improve the safety experience at all sites, and with internal communication resources stretched, our collaborator needed a partner to develop a rollout program strategy and the associated communication and learning assets to embed this new approach to capturing the safety climate.

They needed the program to cut through so that more workers engaged with the surveys, and leaders at all levels could support and respond to the safety experience of workers.


Our work on this project was done in three parts.

Firstly we developed the overarching program strategy, including a communication and learning that unpacked our audiences, set the high-level objectives of what we wanted those audiences to know, feel and do, defined key messages by audience and made recommendations for a learning and training plan rolled out over four phases of curiosity, awareness, knowledge and reinforcement. The identity of the program was also developed at this stage, giving it a distinct visual treatment to cut through in a communications-heavy environment.

Once our collaborator was happy with the program strategy, our second stage was to develop all of the communication assets to be used across the four phases of the plan. This included everything from posters and an animated video, to decals and stickers, pre-start talks, fact sheets and merchandise.

Finally, we tackled the learning and training for this program, creating two immersive modules and associated learning resources. The first was a shorter micro-module that gave the key overview information for all audiences, and the second was a more in-depth learning experience for audiences required to implement the feedback from the safety climate surveys.

The impact. 

As the phases of the program rolled out, our collaborator reported:

⟶ Greater awareness of the changes to the safety experience surveys and the reason for this.

⟶ An increase in engagement in the different surveys that made up the safety climate for all audiences.

⟶ Frontline workers using the survey to report more safety concerns.

⟶ Leaders feeling more confident to respond to survey insights and make improvements at their sites.


